Chapter 3: The Bandit Camp

Aiko led Haru through the dense forest, weaving expertly between trees and over streams. His movements were smooth and confident, suggesting he was no stranger to these woods. Haru followed, keeping a close eye on his surroundings. The deal with Aiko felt risky, but he needed a guide, and this rogue seemed to know the forest well.

As they walked, Aiko talked—mostly about himself. He told stories about his past adventures, exaggerating some details, but Haru could tell there was a thread of truth in his tales. Aiko was a treasure hunter by trade, always on the lookout for lost artifacts and ancient relics. He had a quick wit and a knack for finding trouble, two traits that kept his stories interesting.

They reached a clearing where a crude campsite had been set up. A handful of tents surrounded a fire pit, with various pieces of equipment scattered about. Haru noticed a few bandits lounging near the fire, their weapons within reach. Aiko signaled for Haru to stay low as they observed the camp from the cover of the trees.

"That's the bandit camp," Aiko whispered. "They stole something valuable from me—a map that leads to a hidden treasure. I need it back. I don't know who has it, so we'll need to be careful."

"What's the plan?" Haru asked, keeping his voice down.

"Simple," Aiko replied with a grin. "We create a distraction, grab the map, and get out of here before they know what hit them."

"Sounds risky," Haru said, eyeing the bandits. There were at least half a dozen of them, all armed with swords or bows. "How do we create a distraction without getting caught?"

Aiko pointed toward a large tent near the edge of the camp. "That's their leader's tent. His name is Dominick. If we can draw him out, the rest will follow. I've got a little surprise for him that should do the trick."

Haru nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. He wasn't used to this kind of stealthy operation, but Aiko seemed confident. "What do you need me to do?"

"Stay here and watch my back," Aiko said. "If things go south, we'll need to move fast. Ready?"

"Ready," Haru replied, drawing his sword and crouching low behind a bush.

Aiko slipped into the camp, moving silently between the tents. He was remarkably agile, darting from one shadow to the next with practiced ease. Haru watched as Aiko approached the large tent and carefully placed a small device near the entrance—a smoke bomb. He lit the fuse and quickly retreated to Haru's position.

The smoke bomb exploded with a loud pop, filling the area with thick, billowing smoke. The bandits sprang to their feet, coughing and shouting in confusion. Dominick, a tall and burly man with a bushy beard, stormed out of the tent, waving his sword in the air.

"What's going on?" Dominick shouted, his voice booming over the commotion.

Aiko grabbed Haru's arm. "Now's our chance! Let's go!"

They sprinted through the camp, dodging bandits and leaping over fallen equipment. Aiko led Haru to a small tent at the edge of the clearing, where he rummaged through a pile of belongings. He pulled out a rolled-up piece of parchment—the map.

"Got it!" Aiko exclaimed, stuffing the map into his cloak. "Let's get out of here!"

They ran toward the forest, but just as they reached the trees, a figure stepped into their path—it was Dominick. He had recovered from the smoke and looked furious, his sword gleaming in the early morning light.

"Going somewhere?" he growled, his eyes locked on Aiko.

Haru raised his sword, ready to defend against Dominick's attack. But Aiko held up his hand, signaling for Haru to wait. He stepped forward, his expression calm despite the tension in the air.

"Hey, Dominick," Aiko said with a sly grin. "We were just leaving. No need to get all worked up."

"You stole my map," Dominick replied, his voice low and threatening. "Nobody steals from me and gets away with it."

"About that," Aiko said, holding up the map. "I think there's been a misunderstanding. This is actually my map. You must have picked it up by mistake."

Dominick wasn't buying it. He lunged at Aiko, swinging his sword with a powerful arc. Aiko ducked, narrowly avoiding the blade. Haru moved to intercept, his sword clashing with Dominick's in a burst of sparks.

The fight had begun, and Haru knew this wasn't going to be easy. Dominick was strong and experienced, a deadly combination. But Haru and Aiko had the advantage of speed and surprise, and they were determined to make their escape.

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