Chapter 9: The Riddle of the Sphinx

After escaping the Chamber of Illusions, Haru and Aiko continued their journey through the labyrinth, following the narrow corridors that seemed to shift and change with each step. The carvings on the walls became more intricate, depicting scenes of ancient gods and mythical creatures. The air grew cooler, and a faint mist began to fill the corridors, adding to the sense of mystery and uncertainty.

As they rounded a corner, they entered a large chamber with a massive stone statue in the center. The statue was of a sphinx, its majestic wings folded, its eyes watching over the chamber with an inscrutable gaze. A stone tablet rested at the base of the statue, etched with ancient symbols.

"Looks like we've found the sphinx," Aiko said, examining the statue. "This must be another test. What do you think it wants?"

Haru approached the stone tablet, careful not to disturb the sphinx. The symbols on the tablet formed a riddle, and Haru read it aloud:

"I am not alive, yet I grow; I don't have lungs, yet I need air; I don't have a mouth, yet water kills me. What am I?"

Aiko frowned, considering the riddle. "Sounds like some kind of puzzle," he said, scratching his head. "Any ideas?"

Haru thought for a moment, then snapped his fingers. "It's fire," he said. "Fire grows, needs air to burn, and is extinguished by water. That's got to be the answer."

Aiko nodded, impressed by Haru's quick thinking. "Sounds right to me. Let's see what happens when we give the answer."

Haru spoke the word "fire" aloud, and the sphinx's eyes began to glow with a soft, golden light. The stone statue shifted, revealing a hidden passageway behind it. The passage led deeper into the labyrinth, indicating that they had solved the riddle and earned the right to proceed.

"Well done," Aiko said, giving Haru a pat on the back. "Let's see what other surprises this labyrinth has in store for us."

They stepped through the passageway, leaving the sphinx behind. The corridor was narrow and winding, with faint torchlight illuminating the way. As they ventured deeper, they heard the distant sound of running water, suggesting that they were approaching a new section of the labyrinth.

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